grandbabies galore
these last 2 weeks brought about 3 grandbabies birthdays! my oldest grandson, Alexander turned 8 on September 21st. My middle grandson, Ethan, turned 8 on September 28th…yep, exactly one week! i love these two boys immensely. Hard to believe that it’s been 8 years since they were born! with one and then on an airplane and away i went from FL FL land to MO. now i have more love in my life…and his granddaughter, Aspyn turned 11 the same day as Alex, September 21st. Cool they both share the same day and the same initial for their first names…between the two of us, we have 11 grandbabies or grands as they say…smile…i don’t think you can ever have too much love in your life, can you?? It’s almost October and with that first day brings an anniversary of my oldest child and her husband…been a long time since her daddy’s toast at their reception in the Elks lodge…”don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff”…sending love from TN to MO…i always find myself “coming home” to MO… one day, i too, will “come home to Wright County”…i’m not in a big hurry, i’ve got a lot of living to do yet…ya’ll have fun and be good to each other! i love you madly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!