wedding, long ago…
February 27, 1978…Joe and Cathy left Springfield, Missouri and drove to Wright County, Hartville, Missouri. This is the county seat and we went to the courthouse to see the Justice of the Peace. Oh my! He doesn’t perform weddings anymore! That wasn’t expected…so off to the phone booth to call local churches and try and find us a preacher. We found one all right…at the little church with blue windows across from the courthouse. Plans were made, we arrived…his wife would be our witness, and both scared to death, the ceremony began. It didn’t take long to realize that this preacher was drunk as an old coot…made for a lively time! Both of us were in blue jeans and I had on my favorite Mexican style shirt. Afterward, it took him awhile to type out our certificate, we signed it and Joe paid the man. We then went to a spring that Joe’s grandparents Marvin Abner and Lydia Anne Sullens had gone to on their wedding day. We got out the wedding certificate and laughed and laughed. Several misspellings but it read, Joe Sullens and Cathy Witcher were united in holy matrimony to Elk Creek, Missouri. That was hilarious! Back to Texas County…to our little 8 x 12 home in the woods of Elk Creek…but now as Joe and Cathy Sullens…big SMILE
Read MoreAnniversary…1978
February 26, 1978…Joe and Cathy made it thru the snow from Elk Creek to Springfield Missouri. They rented a motel on Glenstone Street and headed to the University (SMSU) to a concert. They watched Shooting Star opening for the band Missouri…GREAT concert, GREAT honeymoon…then they drove the next day to Hartville, Missouri to get married….but that’s another adventure! smile
Christmas eve 2020
Hard to believe it’s been so very long since I’ve written anything here….I think about it, then off to do something else. It’s been crazy since March with the Covid virus…hundreds of folks been infected here in my own county in east TN…thousands across the nation have passed away. The hospitals are swamped, the medical staff plumb give out…Folks have been so mentally drained, jobs lost, places closing their doors…wish we would all choose to wear a mask to help keep the spreading of this disease a little lower. Folks going ape shit over their “freedom” being taken away if they put a little piece of fabric over their nose and mouth. No, it’s not your freedom, it’s your LIFE and the LIVES of everyone you come in contact with. If we don’t work together, how in the world will this ever end??? I miss so bad being able to visit and feast with family and friends…it’s been crazy…trying to stay safe and keep my family safe. We visit with them downstairs and me out on the balcony. Robin brought me a nylon rope and bucket to raise and lower things down…summer has come and gone, my flowers did well, my veggies not worth a poop. All the pots are cleaned out now and seed catalogs are coming in the mail. I have truly enjoyed by bird feeders like never before…they have been a great comfort to me to watch the birds and they eat like piggies! hahaha So I reckon I do get to feast with friends, just feathered ones…My Mama’s little fiber optic tree is turning and changing colors as I type…presents under it, waiting for Christmas morning…I wish for you all a very merry Christmas and hope the new year brings us all good health, some peace of mind and a cure to the madness! Creator be with us…AMEN….
Read Morelordy, it’s September
the world is still turned upside down…the virus shows no sign of slowing down. summer has found me taking great comfort in the plants i have grown. new to me…my elephant ear plants have made flowers…i am still home except for doctor visits. i won’t even go into all the pain that the ETHRA bus service has caused me just trying to get to town. robin and phoenix come early early every week or so to help with trash chores. they suit up with hoodie and masks and lots of lysol. the infected numbers locally and the death numbers just keep rising. school is virtual, the ones having to go in person, new cases are being told of. how scary it would be to be a student this year…all levels of education. i get my groceries delivered by instacart, robin does curbside pickup of hers. not sure what all my other children are doing to stay safe and healthy, just hope it works. my neighbors make me shake my head in wonder…they will gather outside and visit together, side by side, their masks hanging on their walker handles. i know it’s been forever and everyone is sick of the isolation, but don’t give in now…we have to work together to get these numbers under control…ok, enough of that…the weather today has been absolutely stunning…70’s, low humidity, cool breeze…wonderful labor day weekend weather…oh how i jonz’ to cook on hickory and eat the goodness…sick of my own cooking..haha but truly am enjoying my big purple egg looking air fryer…makes cooking and cleaning up a breeze…have to watch my diet more as my diabetes numbers were up last test…have been eating watermelon and cantaloupe every day and sure have enjoyed them. have spent many an hour out on my balcony reading and have bought many books this summer. september has 5 birthdays…amanda, marty, dawn box. Alexander and ethan. oh yeah, jesse and alex moved from florida to michigan this summer…love is grand…marty and amanda bought a house in clearwater, ray is now a pharmacy tech and also a deputy along with captain david in missouri, sarah is living in florida, ethan is an only child haha robin and jason are working from home now and phoenix is driving the toyota with robin riding shotgun…quinn is growing like a weed…so all in all, i am truly blessed with my little family…hoping for better results in the november elections, hope my country can get it’s shit together and let love rule our hearts…take care…stay safe and keep on rockin’…LYM
Read MoreApril and the world has changed
My goodness! Winter is over and here it is spring…had a busy month in January…had a great Joemas in person and online with family. The month flew by so fast it seems. February brought some pretty snow, colder temps and bright blue skies. Then March came along “in like a lamb and out like a lion”. Wonderful warmer temperatures, spring fever ending with crazy storms, many tornadoes close by. I had a great birthday, then things got crazy. The world changed. Now the Covid-19, Coronavirus is taking over the planet. It has been steadily growing in other countries all year, just now getting to our neck of the woods. Folks are getting sick all over the world, folks dying like crazy with this new virus. Fear is grabbing us all. The media is loving all the “dirty laundry” it has to talk about. Trump is by far the worst President I have ever seen. He takes no responsibility for anything. These days face masks, gloves and staying home are now the new norm. Crazy how quickly this has changed all our lives. Mother Earth is finally getting a chance to heal I reckon, the world has slowed down as people are trying their best to stand still for a moment. Concerts, sports, powwows are all canceled. Whole towns, whole states are on lockdown. Schools are closed, restaurants empty except for drive-thru. Gatlinburg is quiet. Parks and beaches are empty. The beaches that had stayed open for spring break, caused many new cases. Folks are supposed to be at least 6 feet from each other. I was scared of going to the Dr office for meds, wore gloves and a bandana over my face. Finally, folks are taking this seriously. I was lucky, Robin paid attention early, as she was able to get us Lysol and hand sanitizer as they are scarce now. Even fights over folks buying up all the toilet paper. It’s crazy, that’s for sure. Brings out the worst fears in folks, but then again, brings out compassion too. We are taking the time for our families, our friends, our neighbors, our communities. Now we all have time. Distilleries are making hand sanitizers from their leftovers. Companies are finally donating masks and supplies to the hospitals that need them. I fear for my children that have to show up for work each day, I fear for the ones now laid off. I miss hugs, I miss sharing feasts, I miss seeing my family and friends in person…but I am so very thankful to be online to get to visit with them virtually every day. It’s getting worse before it’s getting better, that I can see, but I hope you all stay well and safe. I hope to see you when this is all said and done….no telling how long that will be….but I will try to write more here, that’s for sure….know as always, that I love you madly…big HUGS and SMILES for you all. Creator, please be with us all…
Read MoreNew Year’s Eve…how is that possible
my goodness, it’s been a while since I have written here! Had a wonderful, colorful garden out on the balcony this year. Gave away many plants to my neighbors…had excellent tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, and even my year-old Carolina reaper hot pepper plants made peppers! Sage, basil, rosemary…the rest were flowers! impatients, coleus out the yang yang, begonias, geraniums and so many more! lots of different colors to enjoy each and every day.
had quite the adventure with my apartment floor, the pieces started coming loose and shifting. got to spend a few days at the local Holiday Inn while it was being redone. came home and it was worse! got to spend another week on a “staycation”…and believe it or not, they had to come back a 3rd time to redo the kitchen floor… I must say, I am not thrilled with sherman williams…the ones that did it.
so I never got to get my fish tank filled this year, as I was waiting for news on my floor…waiting was the hardest part! what a mess!! I am back and have glue issues, but I am done messing with it at all….
had a medical scare that was fixed with antibiotics! whew, I’m so happy that worked out like it did…and I fell one morning getting out of bed. had a cramp in my leg, swung my legs over the side of the bed and next thing I knew, I was face down on the floor. shit, that was a hard hit. realized that my knees aren’t worth a poop, finally made it to the living room and my phone and called 911…they were kind enough to quickly get me back upright…how embarrassing. shit happens.
fall slid on by…beautiful colors on the leaves, trying to remember as it’s now the very last day of the year! I am not sure how so much time has passed without me writing here. I thought about it, but never did…that’s very strange for me! so hopefully, this new year will bring more words thru my fingertips.
had several fun times with robin and grandbabies! hard to believe miss phoenix is 16 now and has her driving permit…a 3rd generation of toyota drivers! I’m very proud of her and she has a weekend job at the local mickey d’s…we all start out there, huh?
all my children are doing well, all my grandbabies are doing well, so what more can I ask for?? we stay in touch online… I miss the hugs but feel the love…it’s been unusually warm for this time of year, it hit 70 the other day, at the end of december…hope we do get wintertime to kill off the ticks, chiggers and fiesty mosquitos! haha
wishing everyone a healthy and happy year in 2020! wow! 2020! and always remember, I do so love you madly! big SMILE
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my oh my, may is flying by….smile
wow! these spring days are flying by! i have 3 more 6pks of baby plants to transplant and then working on seeds! haha out of the 3 things quinn and i planted, 2 sets kept getting mold on them and they died, one set lived and thrived! had to wait until they started getting their 4th set of leaves to know who they are! Coleus! i bet i have 100 coleus plants i have transplanted! hahaha will share with my brother Kent and of course, Robin can have all she wants! i’m thrilled, as coleus was one of Darlin’s favorite plants! Marty and Amanda got me a cool subscription to a 3 month plant deal from new york! got a wonderful “crispy fern” as my first plant! i’ve never seen anything like it, it’s way cool…ray sent me succulents inside a purple candle?? robin and family got me cosmos seeds and a pink polka dot plant…jesse sent a wonderful fold out bird/nest card with a gift card enclosed…all these goodies were for Mother’s Day! how wonderful to feel all the love! my 2 big CSA big beef tomato plants have blooms and the cherry tomatoes are growing like crazy! have 2 jalapeno plants and my carolina reeper hot pepper plant is back outside now. It survived all winter in here. bought me a 4 shelf set of metal shelves to place out on the balcony in front on my window, i can fill it up to 300 lbs of flower pots on each shelf! haha waiting to get my fish tank back up and running until my new floors get installed and i’m back home from my “staycation” haha that should be coming up soon! hope all the plants make it alive without me for a few days and hope all the things in my home are still here when i get back. putting up my jewelry just to keep honest people honest. it’s gonna be a mess, but hopefully they will do a better job this time…well, about time to go water all my wonderful garden, so many colors and smells so good! have a GREAT evening and be good to each other! we all need to “share the love” SMILE
Read Moreapril is here
yes, yes it’s true…april is here! i guess my april fools jokes are no longer believeable. this year i posted a picture of a horse out on a balcony…was that my balcony??? how did that horse get there??? ah, the mysteries of april fools…the weather has been wonderful, warming up nicely. the redbud trees bloomed out in all their purple glory…the trees are starting to grow these 2 weeks, i’d say all the trees are almost full of leaves, they are growing so fast they are squeaking! haha the redbuds have leaves now and their color is fading, but replacing them are the white white white of the dogwoods. they look beautiful in the woods across from me. the spring birds are returning, got to listen to them singing the other morning as i sat out sipping my coffee, welcoming the day. the high school greenhouse is having their plant sale…robin brought me a car load of baby plants, petunias, snapdragons, impatients, geraniums, marigolds, mystery plants. i have baby jalapeno plants and also 6 tomato plants i got from CSA. quinn and i started a little greenhouse of coleus, moss roses and petunias…not sure which is which! hahaha wait and see! last night and tonight are gonna be the coldest nights, 38 and hopefully, cold nights will be a thing of the past. i’m ready for springtime weather…how about you??? i can’t complain, when i had 50’s, ray and family in missouri got 2″ of snow! oh my! please no more snow here, and thanks Creator, the raindrops have been lovely! big SMILE
Read Morewhat do you mean it’s march 2019??
my goodness! it’s been forever since i’ve written a story here. the last i see is the thanksgiving feast! that was GREAT but so much has happened since then! like christmas! it was GREAT and filled with lots and lots of wonderful presents and food…amazing things that i am gonna truly enjoy! then january brought joemas, slide on by sadness and just shoot for happiness! we’ve had one good snow of maybe 5″ or so…the rest has been rain, rain, rain. “thunder in february, frost in may”, heard thunder at the first week of the month and the last week of february! many, many inches of rain, breaking records and starting to flood, roads breaking up, mudslides closing roads. school was out for presidents day and didn’t go back for what, 2 weeks? sickness, then flooding using up their snow days this year! and now here it is march! another cold spell, down to the teens but the heavy rains are all warm and steady…no more snow…YET smile…oh, by the way, this is the last day in my whole life that i will be 63…wow…time flies…
Thanksgiving 2018

WOW…I’ve said that a lot here these last few days!
All my children and grandchildren came to TN to my home for Thanksgiving this year! Some arrived bright and early Wednesday morning from MO and slept in their vehicle until I was up at 7am…then TN family arrived and then FL family arrived! how wonderful to see everyone and to meet Amanda! Her and Marty seem so happy together! I am thrilled! Lots of music, lots of food, lots of laughter, lots of fun! Taco feast that couldn’t be beaten! Robin was a busy devil getting everything lined out…we ate like piggies…then they are off to the motel for swimming adventures, all the grandbabies moved in there…how nice to play with cousins!
Thursday was turkey day…children picked up donuts and then they are off to Panther Creek park for a photo shoot in the leaves…back here and Robin has arrived with more feasting goodies…Jason arrived with the turkey and the ham…and the feasting began…played a fun card game after the table was cleared off…then off that night to the movies…we all had great fun…
Friday…up early to make biscuits, Robin here and made gravy and we had sausage patties, OJ, milk, coffee, and a fast feast as the FL folks have to be at the airport soon…got some pictures taken before they headed out the door…MO family off to Gatlinburg to play tourist and back to the motel…
Friday I got to sleep until 830! then MO folks arrived for one last visit and David and Ray hung up the family plaque they made for me and all my grandchildren’s names…it’s sooooo cool…then they are off, down the road towards home…they arrived safely at 11 pm…FL folks landed yesterday so they are all home safe and sound, TN family are all fine and warm…It was a rainy day today, beautiful weather all 3 days the others were here…It was a Thanksgiving I will remember forever! thanks to one and all…I do sooooooooo very much love you all madly! One and ALL….goodnight! SMILE
life at walters ridge
wow…time flies! here it is the middle of july already! i moved to walters ridge apartments the end of february! these are 55+ apartments, brand new, on a dead end road with wonderful hardwood trees across from me! i’m on the second floor with a nice balcony that was empty as could be…now it’s full of beautiful plants! i have a fish tank tub also, that takes up the end of the balcony, thanks to robin and jason! i have wonderful purple guppies, red platties and shrimp with many water plants and a pot of more plants in the tub! beside it are: a jalapeno bush full of peppers, my gardenia, a hibiscus with touch me nots and impatients in with it, a roma tomato plant, petunias, more impatients and in my grow tub, i now have chocolate mint, pineapple mint, forget me nots, strawberries, touch me nots and snapdragons. beside it i have a big shephards hook with many things, bird feeders, hummingbird feeder, water for birds and butterflies, ray’s solar lamp, 2 zinnias, purple spiderwort, purple sweet potato vine, and a huge coleus in pots around it. next a pot of basil plants and mystery plant (never did find out what they are!)then a pot of marigolds and a cactus gifted to me from a friends grandmothers christmas cactus from 1920’s… next comes more impatients, my 5′ tall rose of sharon bush, a windowbox of wax begonias in white and pink colors, moss roses, dahlia, CSA tomato plant, prayer plants, a huge container with four 5′ tall roma tomato plants! 2 pots of bell peppers, 2 pots of carolina reaper pepper plants, and 2 more pots of impatients…did i forget anyone?? smile…so yes, the balcony is colorful and beautiful. the neighbor below me complained of water dripping, so now i water at night…problem solved…wish she would smoke something that smells better than what she does smoke! hahaha always something! hahahaha but i do enjoy living here, have a few good friends and the view is lovely! i get to visit with robin and family as our favorite grocery store is in this town of morristown…so life is good! thanks marty for sharing this page with me! i’ve been looking for weeks! this is my adventure for today! hope you have a GREAT day! SMILE
Read Morea long, long time ago…my life as told by my friend Betty Boop and I

Betty Maxey Lewis is with Cathy Sullens.
14 hrs ·
okey so I have this friend that when she first moved to Missouri she lived in a cardboard house with her soon to be husband. no they were not homeless or down and out on their luck. it was by choice and they built it on his fathers farm. I am not sure how long they lived in it but I have seen it. this was years ago. back in the 70’s. her husband has since passed away and she is now in Tenn. and getting ready to move into a beautiful new apartment. I know if she could have her love joe back she would live in that cardboard house again. She is a kind and loving person and I miss her. I am happy for her and all her success being on her own. she does have 4 children scattered here and there. I know if she had her choice they would be right there with her. but now days our children go here and there. good luck on you new move dear sweet friend of mine. maybe she will fill us in on why they built a cardboard house.
Cathy Sullens when we first moved to missouri, we were both sick. everyone on our street in colorado springs came down with hepatitis. the health department was going crazy, said it came from the water…the lady 2 houses down passed away. joe told me about his daddy’s 80 acre farm in missoui. we traded in our bicycles and bought an older international truck. we gave up our good paying jobs and headed east. i had been reading my “mother earth news” for years, i was ready to go homestead! his daddy Donald Ray thought it was funny as could be i was gonna homestead as he owned the land! hahaha this was in the fall of what 1976? 77? colder weather arrived quicker than we anticipated. so joe and his dad cut sassafras poles, his aunts had recently moved to MO from colorado, too, so we used their packing boxes…my homemade gravy held up the walls. we had a full size bed, a metal wardrobe for our clothes, a folding table with a coleman stove for cooking and a small old army coal stove for heat. it took tiny little pieces of wood, only! haha when it rained hard, we added straw to the floor. we had 2 kerosene lamps and had an 8 track hooked up to the car battery to have music! we had added one window for light, a wooden door and had a tin roof that sounded wonderful when it rained. we lived and healed in that wonderful, quiet place. compared to the hustle and bustle of living a few blocks from downtown colorado springs, it was truly heaven on earth. many a day, stretched out on a quilt in the sunshine, watching the clouds float by. his dad would let us carry water from his place, and take showers, our friend in cabool, Mimi Caldwell, let us come take showers when we came to town to do laundry. we lived there that fall, that winter and that spring…then we found jobs in town and our home at Bado…we lived there when we met you and yours, i do believe betty boop. here’s joe in our bed, our weekend stash of a cold beer and bracs chocolate candies in the bag.
Cathy Sullens hahaha i guess it was a “tiny house”..joe always was a man before his time…and thank you betty boop for your kinds words, and you betcha, i’d be back in that 8×12 in a heartbeat with that sweet man! smile…
Read Morea new year, a new month, a new home

i’m so excited! there are going to be some major changes in my life.
i’ve lived in this apartment for 7 years now, it’s time for a change.
my life has been changed for me, not by choice, by medical procedures.
i had a total knee replacement on my right knee, and it never worked right
so i had it done again 2 years later, sorry to say, no improvement to me.
i walked in with a cane and now 4 years later went from walker to wheelchair
i do believe my body is allergic to the parts and pieces that they put in my leg.
end of that story, now on for more positive, wonderful experiences in my life.
my daughter Robin found an ad for a very interesting place to live in another town.
it’s brand new apartments, for folks 55+ and older, it’s at the dead end of a street.
hardwood trees surround the property, red oaks, blackjack oaks, hickories and more!
the buildings have the mailboxes located inside, i’ll be able to check my mail anytime!
there is a conference room where pot luck dinners are hosted twice a month they say.
even a computer room with several computers open until 9pm, i’ll have my own in my home.
there is an elevator for going to the different floors, i’ll be on the second floor.
each apartment has a wonderful balcony and huge storage shed attached to the balcony.
i can have my plants, my bird feeders, my wind chimes, the only rub, i can’t have a bbq grill.
each apartment has it’s own washer and dryer, i don’t have to hide mine in the closet anymore!
it is in a town i know and family know well, has the best grocery stores we go to now anyhow.
it’s about 45 minutes away from robin’s house now, but the ride over passes quickly and smoothly.
a new county, a new town, it even has the ELK lodge that i’ve been to on several occasions.
i’ll get to make new friends, get to have new adventures and i always love a new chapter in life.
so to all, i wish us happiness, good health (best we can) and much joy, music and colors of the world!
it was a very Merry Christmas
it was a very merry christmas here on my hill in east TN
wonderful presents from all my children, they do know me well
even several surprises from friends in FL, MT and Newcastle Upon Tyne England
most of all, it was a day of love, online and in person, love is love
and i am so very thankful to have all these mighty fine folks to love
and that love me….big SMILE…YES, that makes me a very happy woman!
playing with children: here, there, everywhere
i love being online, i live half my life online, have for many years
i have children that live in missoui, 2 spots in florida and tennessee
today we were all gabbing online together…i love when we do that
i never call folks on the telephone, they get me in trouble…haha
i always come across as a smart ass, so i try to stay away from phones
but i do love to type and type away i do! i always look “good in print”
got packages wrestled with, boxed up and off in the USMAIL today
robin brought her stuff and squished and shoved and got them all packed
her and phoenix and quinn took them over to the jefferson city post office
leave it to that girl to find a bargain! yippee, yahoo crazy shipping costs
thank goodness i had saved a couple of amazon boxes, have many priority boxes
they will work great in the garden i guess, p o boxes sure did shrink in size
so all is well, all are fine and dandy, we’re all excited about Christmas!
if you see santa, i have been really really good since thanksgiving…
thank goodness only 1 more week to have to be good! hahaha HOHOHO…smile
remembering my grandmother……………eula mae rowe johnson

Cathy Sullens
December 16, 2015 ·
one wonderful thing, i have met a 3rd cousin online in GA that keeps track of my family tree…how wonderful, he has a picture of my grandmother eula, my momma’s momma, i have never seen before…i love it! me and moemoe were two peas in a pod…she taught me flowers and saving seed and feeding the hungry, and the weeping willow switch when i was bad…oh sting! i tried to be good! haha her sense of humor was hilarious. the first time my husband joe met her, we pulled up at her apartment and you could hear rock and roll music…called her name and her screen happened to be unlocked…went into the kitchen and there she was up on her cabinet watering the flowers along the top of her ceiling windowsill…lordy, moemoe get down, let me water those for ya! she loved the beat of good music, many kinds of music…she’d always crush up peppermint sticks in a clean hanky and at church, oh cough cough, we’d sit and listen and sing and slowly eat peppermint…trying to remember if that was mountain creek or double springs church…i remember the paper fans in the summer time, you needed them as it was mighty hot inside! smile

isn’t it EXCITING?? it’s almost Christmas! my cards are arriving
i had to laugh, i was tracking a package on my computer today
was in the back office and heard a knock on my front door
the wooden door was open, the glass/screen door was locked
then, ping! the status on my monitor checked over to DELIVERED
thanks, FedEx….had FUN birthday stuff arriving for robin today
all Christmas presents, too, now accounted for and ready to wrap
some things took days, some took several weeks, it all worked out
don’t you just love when a plan comes together??? blows my mind
it’s so seldom, it sure does make you appreciate the joy of it! SMILE

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how many colors are there??
busy this day working on cards
have a gallon bag of pencils here on my desk
had just finished my 2nd card and oops
knocked the bag of pencils into the floor
yes, it looked like a rainbow of colors
but, alas, my childhood skills came into play
back scratcher and away i went, one, two, three
gathering my pencils like i was playing pick up sticks
SMILE….job done, zipper closed on bag now…
enjoy your day! only 4 days until THANKSGIVING!!!
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opening box number 2……….yeah!
if you know me, you know that i’ve gotten addicted to coloring my Christmas cards
it takes me a few months to get them done, but you have to be “in the mood”
once you get started, it changes your day, each and every day, it’s wonderful
i color when i first get up, that’s usually 11 am or so, yes, i stay up late at night
my computer desk faces south, i get GREAT light from about 11:30 – 2:00pm
that’s where all of my cards have been created this year, i love the sunshine
at the kitchen table, overhead lights, you’re always working in your shadow
so a happy woman i be! one box of cards are colored, envelopes too, stamps, labels
opened up box #2 and just finished my first card! wonderful sunshine today
blue skies with puffy white clouds floating by, ever so slowly…hardly a leaf stirring
supposed to get up to high 50’s, a truly GREAT fall day here in the smoky mtns of east TN
i’m done in here for awhile, off to the kitchen to rattle some pots and pans! time for breakfast!
i hope you have a good day, be good to each other and be kind, even to yourself! big SMILE
Read Morenovember it be

beautiful blue skies out my window
leaves changing into golden colors all around
tiny little breeze just to make you notice
absolutely my favorite temperature…75 degrees
yes, yes, november it be… as happy as me… smile
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the times they are a changin’
burrs….it’s cold and wet outside….has rained all day and radar shows it will all night….
the temperature has been falling all day, supposed to be down to 33 tonight….
the high tomorrow is supposed to only reach 41 degrees, that’s sure a big change….
will my wonderful raindrops turn into wonderful snowflakes???? I hope so….
with the ground so wet, they might melt mighty quick, you never know….
i just hope it snows when it’s light out tomorrow, so i can watch it falling snowflakes….
i truly have enjoyed Indian summer here in the Smoky Mountains of E Tennessee….
now i look forward to fall weather, leaves are starting to change…it’s all good here….
then it will be a winter wonderland, i hope we have several good snows this winter, yes i do!!!!
all my windows are closed now, my warm fuzzy socks are keeping my feet warm, goodnight to all….
back to the kitchen table to work on cards i am coloring for the holidays, lists and more lists! BIG SMILE
i know it’s early, but you know me….i gotta ask….tell me true, have you and yours been good this year????
Read Morecolorful music
i must say, i love my new routine…no, the clock does not rule me…
i can get up when i want, go to bed when i want, eat when i want…
last year was my first, again i have ordered Christmas cards you color…
i get up, get dressed and come into my “office” great light at my desk…
i turn spotify on to listen to blues music, today i am enjoying smooth jazz…
when i work on cards at the kitchen table, i listen to WUOT for classical tunes…
my little boom box fills the kitchen and dining room with some wonderful music…
and i work with all the colors of the rainbow, just picking at random, no theme…
and i enjoy the hours of art, the music, the peace it brings to my soul…….SMILE
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hide and seek

i’m trying to hide, while others are trying to seek…
beautiful weather, still days of Indian summer…
hopefully all will work out well this week…
hope you are enjoying your fall days too…
take care and keep it real…
thank you for your kindness…
How beautiful the weather is here outside the Smoky Mtns of East Tennessee.
Warm, sunny days here in October. Makes you plant garden all over again! SMILE
I’ve been lucky enough to live here since 2010. I enjoy the four seasons each year.
Each year is different, that’s for sure…but I sure do enjoy feeling them all.
So much tragedy going on in the world, pain and death just a heartbeat away.
We need more LOVE in this world, each and every day, all day long!
Carry on…….with compassion and love………
Read Morepain
i hope you never have to experience chronic pain.
i had a knee replacement on my right knee in 2012.
even after months of therapy, it never felt right.
i walked in with a cane, came home with a walker.
after x-rays showed my knee cap down my leg, i planned another operation.
different doctor, different hospital, 2nd knee replacement in my right knee 2014.
same old story, months of therapy, never feeling right, pain constantly.
here it is 2017, i have gone from my walker to a wheelchair.
the knee and leg are still sore to the touch, will this ever end?
due to lack of activity, a blood clot formed behind my fake knee.
8-10″ long, now on blood thinner medicine to help this disappear.
the pain is still there, my doctor was audited, my meds cut in half.
i think of him every day when it gets to hurting more than i can stand.
i wish for one day, he could be in my shoes, feel what i feel, try to understand.
i try my best to stay positive, my garden, music, flowers and fish keep me somewhat sane.
enough moaning and groaning, off to the kitchen to rattle some pots and pans.
i wish for you health, happiness and love…and of course, lots of blues music! SMILE
Read Morethe day after
this photo is my dear friend in missouri, dawn box! she gets to celebrate her birthday today, the day after…
i pondered on this for weeks…what do you get your son that has everything???
but then Mother Nature took care of that thought for me….
she sent him a HUGE, most powerful EVER hurricane named Irma….
so all night long, Sunday September 10th, my ice tea and I kept watch…
going from radar to radar, typing away to children that were there, watching from inside…
it was a mighty long night, but thank you, Creator…they are all safe and sound…
marty’s birthday rolled in after midnight and for several hours IRMA howled and stormed…
happy happy birthday, marty tate! so happy you made it thru, that everyone is fine and dandy…
their homes are still intact, Jesse has no electric yet, but Marty and office do…so that’s ok…
other friends up and down FL FL land are checking in online as they can…lots of power outages….
but they are OK! that’s the important part…my sweet daughter, grandson, son and many friends….
we even got a little taste of Irma, had rains and strong winds yesterday, last night the wind chimes were singing…
blew the screen out of my living room window, it had popped loose a few days ago, it’s not bent, just in the floor…
the “day after” is another birthday, my dear Soul Sista, Dawn Box in Elk Creek MO…i do so love you girl…have fun!!!
check on your family, check on your neighbors, check on your friends…keep the love flowing…we all need a HUG! smile
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Hurricane Irma
I admit it, I’m scared. Have had nightmares for days, even when I’m awake.
Don’t know why this particular storm has me and daughter Robin so shook up.
My son Marty, my daughter Jesse and grandson Alexander live in Clearwater, FL.
I am very concerned about their safely with this powerful hurricane.
They have hem and hawed enough to have waited too long to evacuate.
I’m not sure they are taking this as seriously as I think it should be taken.
But I’m here and they are there and both children are adults with minds of their own.
I know they do not intend to be caught “unaware” and have prepared for this event.
The weathermen are so shifty in where the hurricane will go, what it will do.
The are weathermen for Christ’s sake, their entire world is made up of models and guesses.
I wish safety to all those that will be involved in this storm. Take care of each other.
I look forward to having my children tell me ” I told you so”…and that will be just fine.
Those will be the sweetest words any Momma can hear…Creator and angels, please be with them….
I do so, love them madly…………………..
Read Moreseptember birthdays and more!!!!
yep, it’s september…windows open, cool breeze blowing thru the house.
i love that, it will warm up again, but for now, it’s perfect weather for me!
hope all of you have a safe, happy and restful Labor Day weekend! smile
have several birthdays coming up this month, Marty is Sept 11th
my dear MO friend Dawn Box is celebrating on Sept 12th.
next is my oldest grandson Alexander and a week later, my grandson Ethan!
this year it’s getting harder and harder to find that perfect gift for them all…..
i with good health and lots of love to them all, now back to shopping! SMILE
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pow wow time AND august, 2017
sure did enjoy watching miss Phoenix dance fancy shawl. never gave any thought to her shawl…it fit 2 years ago, this year it was tiny and PJ’s wing span has grown. no wonder it was giving her arms fits. now i understand, sweet child. we enjoyed watching the others, visiting with friends and checking out the vendors. got goodies for 3 grandsons. phoenix found a cool 3 picture wolf 8 x 10 framed…that was her prize! we had great fun…next time i’ll just get her a new shawl and she can dance intertribal with it, no pressure of regalia. will work much better, i believe. was sorry to read that the Cosby Powwow was cancelled this year. i think someone bought that section of land, hope they tend to it with love and care and respect.
have enjoyed many many many watermelons this year. literally and the cantaloupes were all delicious too! a GREAT year for melons. my local CSA even grew some for me. i’ve been buying fruits, veggies and meats from these guys for several years. they deliver to dandridge every wednesday down at the dike. and now, misty morning farms are some of our new best friends. i wish them every success. they are working their fannies off on the farm and at the fruit and veggie stand, but they have a good location, near the interstate I-40 exit 415 by the marathon station (only gas station on this exit) and close to dandridge, but far enough away to be country! smile it’s amazing to me how much MMF’s Angie looks like my friend Becky. they could easily be sisters.
watched an eclipse this week. the moon covered the sun, the world all got quiet (need ear plugs here) haha it was magical, mystical, i really did enjoy it! 99% here…total across some TN robin and family and many friends of theirs i know met at billy’s house is crossville to watch it as total…know we all looked so cool in our eclipse shades from AZ! smile
had fun going shopping and lunch with robin on friday. tried out a new burger place in morristown, hunted up a shade tree (good luck) then got to look at everything at the new aldi. they have a manuel wheelchair with a basket on front. was hoping the basket came off for getting in and out, but i guess if it did, someone would help themselves to the basket. i was thrilled to be able to go shopping. it’s been forever! i still think their 25 cent buggies are the bomb! no buggies out in the car area, you bring back that cart to get your quarter back…genius idea….we found our first Aldi in Rolla MO wayyyyy back in the day. we’d shop for us, the ol man and sue and for uncle john. 3 lists, a truck bed full of goodness. we found a good butcher shop in rolla, rolla was 60 miles from elk creek and we’d make a once a month shopping run. but still not as good as the butcher shop at norwood. local grass fed..we fed our family well, beef, pork, chicken, fish, huge gardens…no chemicals…glad we had the chance to do that, to live that life…to raise our 4 children with a country life. no sirens, traffic horns, yelling people, smog, fear, danger…instead, we had a skeleton key for the back door, christmas lights to light up the back porch, animals, chores, stars, respect for water, land, family! quiet. until it was a celebration and we put the big speakers out on the porch roof and we ROCKED that valley! family and friends always there to help us in our joy. my family, we ALL did a lot of work, money was always tight, but lordy, it was fun! that was our life on the Johnson farm in Bado, MO…thanks Mina, for taking a chance on us! we loved tending to your farm. it made us a most wonderful, HOME, too. just like you gave your family there before us. it was a beautiful home, acres of grass and trees and wildlife. Our BEST garden spot, EVER!!! big SMILE
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this years porch garden
exciting adventures
it’s been awhile since i’ve written here….
lots of medical things that i’d rather not get into….
but now, new things are on the horizon….
hoping to write about my love of gardening…..
from the patio container perspective of growing veggies and flowers….
even gardening from my wheelchair, surely there are more folks than me!
hope all are well, be good to each other and always, always share the love.
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Lions, Tigers & Bears – Maybe an alligator or 2
What an exciting day it is on my little hill today….
My Saturday morning yard guests!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life in the Smoky Mtns of east TN…………
Oh, by the way………………………….
April Fools……………………. 2017………………..SMILE
Read Moreyesterday 02.21.17
what a most unusual day it was yesterday….
watched a squirrel dig up his stash, sit and enjoy eating it….
it was 70 degrees here in the smoky mtns of east TN….
was out on the porch playing in the dirt, felt so mighty fine….
dug thru my seed box (pretty skimpy) and found sugar snap peas….
had my biggest pot dug up and cleaned and ready to get to planting….
i now have 3 rows of peas planted on my front porch, waiting on 10 onion sets for the edges….
slept with my bedroom window wide open….only got down to 54 degrees during the night….
going to see if the raindrops made it across the porch or not….ya’ll be good, laugh and have some fun….
and if you need some soothing of your soul, joy to your very being….go play in the dirt….pure bliss it is….SMILE
Read Morea flu bug bit me
i have not felt well for 4 days now…achy, headache, eyes hurt, throat hurts
there are many folks here in TN and all across the country that are feeling ill
this afternoon, i stretched out on my bed to watch the sunset
it’s was beautiful, i dozed off, when i woke up, it was dark outside
Jupiter was shining bright, right about a little sliver of a moon
i heard folks walking around in my home, even the bathroom door close
i called out for them to come see this beautiful site in the night sky
i dozed off and on and always speaking about what i saw thru my window
then i woke up enough to realize i was the only one here in my home
the ones i heard, the ones i called out to, were part of my dreaming i guess
made me feel strange, i was sure i heard them, strange how dreams are sometimes
i hope you got to enjoy the night sky, as it was truly lovely…my love to you all…
Read Morethe first 12 days of the year….weather wise for the year 2017
January…45-50 raindrops, foggy, wet, very windy……..
February…60…overcast….foggy, wet…….windy
March…60…grey, wet…raindrops…calm winds
April…40…partly sunny…calm winds
May…33…rain…tiny snow…calm winds
June…20’s…trace of snow…grey day, calm winds
July…16 degrees …5″ snow…sunshine, blue skies
August…20 degrees. sunshine. white clouds, calm
September…30’s…sunshine, blue skies, calm winds
October…45…snow melting, grey day, calm
November…50…rain, grey day, calm winds
December…60’s…cloudy day, calm winds’
Well, there you have it folks! The first 12 days weather for east TN…looks like a lot more rain this year than last…sure hope so…the local farmers need it! We need it to be able to eat all the wonderful organic veggies they grow! The trees need it, the rivers need it and yes, even the lakes…WATER IS LIFE….
I was taught this little theory back in MO a long time ago…how to forecast the years weather! The temps won’t match up, but you get the general idea. Hope you enjoyed it! smile
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sunshine and snow………big SMILE
burrs, it’s cold out this morning in east TN…only 16 degrees at high noon!
we have about 5″ of beautiful snow on the ground, all is quiet here
don’t see many birds out and about today, guess they are all home
the sun is shining, bouncing off the snow, making everything beautiful…
hope you are nice and warm where ever you are! It’s a GREAT day! smile
Read MoreMerry Christmas to ALL………….smile
Good Christmas morning to family and friends I love….smile
Foggy day here in east TN…Santa sure needed Rudolph’s nose last night…
Thanks for a wonderful year of love, music, poetry, laughter, kindness, joy
YOU all know who you are, you fill my soul with all those good things
and i appreciate it with all my heart! how nice to be peaceful and special
i hope you get to enjoy this day, being waited on and waiting on others in return
be good to each other, kindness for today and always, always LOVE is the way!
Merry Christmas and Happy new YEAR! 2017 is gonna be EXCELLENT! smile
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Standing With Standing Rock North Dakota ***** NO DAPL*****
I stand with standing rock! You hear that a lot here lately, but do they really mean it?
These brave men, women and children are trying to protect the waters of us all……..
It’s come down to cries from Mother Earth, we’re killing her, she can’t stand much more…….
We’ve got to protect her, her waterways, her sacred lands, the food she grows for us, her honor….
we have stripped her down to the bare minimum, she can’t heal us if we can’t heal her……
2016 almost 2017 and this is how we treat our people??? “big money has no soul”
we MUST stop the black snake, before it squeezes the life clear out of us all……….
Not just me, my children, my grandchildren, their children and their grandchildren………
Turtle Island is our home, we can let her flourish once again, working together to achieve this…….
Read Morewhere there is fire, there is smoke
i live in an area called the “great smoky mountains”
that is not because of fire, but because of rain
when it rains here, the mountians smoke
but that is not the case these last few weeks
we are surrounded by wildfires, TN, NC, GA
here in jefferson county we are over 7″ short on rainfall
we’ve been in a drought for most of the summer
lightning, a spark, arson, they are all in this game
but the stakes are high and getting higher each and every day
please, Creator send some rain to help all these brave men and women
that are fighting these fires, trying to save homes, trying to save lives
please be with them and keep them all safe from harm.
Read MoreAnother Angel i Know
went to say goodbye to my sweet angel sam, tall pine on sunday afternoon.
my dear friend Becky came from Knoxville to get me in the car and down the road.
i found a “back way” for us to travel, all 2 lane roads, by farms and creeks and fields.
many of the trees are trying to show color, it’s been so dry here this summer, that’s for sure.
but several were blazing in their orange and yellows, so pretty to see and enjoy on our trip.
up the mountain of a wheel chair ramp and inside we go, didn’t want to see as i went by.
we sat in the back with friends and becky’s cousin, chris, family sat in the first few rows.
as long as i couldn’t see angel, i was ok, i looked at the flag draped over his casket instead.
gloria came down the row, first time i’d seen her, got to share our sorrow and try to give her strength.
Vietnam Veterans #1073 did a fitting ceremony for Angel, he was an air force man i learned.
later we got to sit with Gloria and meet her daughters and now sons and grandchildren, too..
they had created such a beautiful family full of love, been married over 50 years, still in love…
back home and had a feast here and got to visit…becky always helps my head and heart…
i went thru turning off the lights, closing the front door, turning off my scented warmer light.
i turn on the hall light to use for computing here in my office, it was the only light on…
hours later, i got up to turn off the light and head for bed, i stopped, the scented light was on…
it’s a touch lamp, takes 3 touches to get it to the brightest level, that was how it was lit…
i laughed and said out loud, “angel, are you messing with me”? and then i got the reply
the hall light blinked twice, nothing else electric was fazed, the answer i was looking for
thanks, Angel for saying goodbye to me too…have fun dancing in heaven…miss you already…
Read Morea great big sigh
got a lot in my head and in my heart this afternoon as the sun starts to set
but Indian summer is what i want to talk about, october 29th and 80 degrees!
my plants had 2 cold nights down to the 30’s, some gardens survived, some didn’t
under the shelter of the porch above, my plants did pretty well, dry but alive
i have never! never! never! had beautiful petunia’s in october until this year!
learned a thing or two as you always do each gardening season, truly enjoyed this year
windows open, cool breeze blowing thru my home…i like that so very much
i will love it when the electric bill comes, too! i’ll take any break in costs i can get!
blue skies, such a pretty clear blue, leaves turning, birds out and about, all is well
much love to an angel i lost 2 days ago, will get to tell you goodbye tomorrow afternoon
and we’ll dance………….thanks for being my angel in dunedin and in tn…you’re the best!
much love to all, and YES, i stand with Standing Rock! Stop the black snake…united we stand!
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the first cool day of fall
yes, yes, months have gone by since i have written here…
busy woman i be, enjoying life and enjoying family and friends…
always music, poetry, creative people around, makes me a happy woman…
yesterday is was 88, unusually high for late October here in TN but that has been the norm…
today so far we have made it to 57 degrees, got wonderful raindrops that were much needed…
hope you enjoy this beautiful day and enjoy your lovely fall…where ever you may be…
and know that i am thinking of you and wishing you well…take care and please, always be kind…
Read MoreGrandbaby in college
I have to give a shout out to miss Phoenix Joe Mailyn…
She started her first week long classes at Carson-Newman College here in Jefferson City…
She worked hard to earn every penny of her tuition, she’s so excited to get to attend and learn…
And oh yeah, she just turned 12 on July 5th! My first grandchild in college, even if it is a week!!!!!
SMILE…now you others, pay attention, want to write about YOU next! Sarah, Alex, Ethan, Quinn….
Read Morelordy mercy!!! it’s been forever!!!
i knew it had been awhile since i’ve written here, didn’t realize almost 3 months!
robin started tomatoes back in december and has been babying them all winter and spring.
she brought me two, some hot peppers, bell peppers, sage and basil starts.
i thought it was cool, all the tiny herbs were living and growing in toilet paper rolls
folded on the end, filled with dirt and one plant each…it worked GREAT!!!
that girl does recycle and reuse many things, she’s such a “green” girl, it makes me smile
i bought 3 rose of sharon plants…planted mine in my biggest pot, yellow snapdragons on the 4 corners
gave one to phoenix and one to quinn, the plants will grow right along with them! planted by driveway
mine has been blooming about a week now, beautiful purple flowers with red and creme colored centers
let’s see, what do i have growing? livingroom windowbox, red and white begonias…incense and shell, Sullens plaque
then a stand with strawberries, babies hanging down the sides, hanging basket of spider plant, making flowers, soon babies
under it are the hot peppers, have 1 jalapeno almost ready to pick, plants are still tiny…then basil in the middle, bell peppers on the other side
i have always topped my bell peppers, but i sure made a mistake this year, they not only didn’t bush out, they quit growing all together! HELP!
then in the corner of the porch sits my big pot of rose of sharon in the center, 4 corners of yellow snapdragons, starting to collect seed
next is a robin tomato, roma, in the green pot with the spout on the bottom, next to it, the other roma in a black grow bag, quinn sticks as stakes, MT ties holding them
above that is a bird feeder, great bird view from the livingroom…a basket of pink petunias are next, been gathering seed, too, this heat, they keep seeding
and in the middle, next is a hanging basket of angel wing begonia, half the pot yellow flowers, other half red…really pretty dark wings
then a purple petunia, which has held on better than many in years, it’s been so hot and dry they keep seeding, so i keep gathering and watering
got these plants from the local FFA at the high school on the corner of Dumplin’ Valledy Road…they did a GREAT job this year on their plants! THANKS! smile
under the baskets on the porch are a pot of white sage, then red salvia, a biggest pot of all color impatients, they are finally looking better, got stunted by cold early
then i have a basket sitting on the porch of a spider plant with variegated leaves, the two spider plants are several years old, so happy to be outside on the porch!
next is a basket of a very unusual cactus that got gifted to me from Judy Lynn and Hippyman in Hudson FL when they came to visit with Mathias several years ago
beside the pole, i’ve cleared a small patch to walk thru…i have Mimi’s mom, Mary crystals, a suncatcher made by Lucy and one from MT, 2 wind chimes and another bird feeder.
under these i have bulbs i tried to force in the winter, now planted and hope to bloom, don’t even remember their names, came from burpee seeds! purple flowers! hahaha
beside it, a pot of white and red impatients, coming up volunteer is a sunflower…next a pot of rosemary makes me and everything smell so good! it’s happy there
then the gardenia plant that MT got me, some of the dirt was left over and now i have 2 moss roses blooming and a small coleus is starting to grow with them
then a red chrysanthemum, unusual flowers, pretty clusters, it’s growing in the terra cotta pot that phoenix painted all over for me several years ago…
then the pot of wonderful tasting, kentucky colonel spearmint…it’s unusual as the leaves are fuzzy…but it sure gives a half gallon of tea such a sweet flavor!
up on the table at the dining room window are a window box of cocks combs, not happy since cat knocked pot to the porch…change dirt, new home maybe?
on the table is a copper pot with one single red begonia in it, had 1 left over and it’s happy and full of blooms…my hens and chicks take up one round pot of rocks
the rest are growing on a cookie sheet…them and a touch me not that came up to join them…saw some tiny little shamrock plants are starting to grow there too
i have no outside spicket, so i have 2 cloth carry bags, i use 1 gallon and 2 qts size bottles, fill at the sink, get them all full, then take them to the front door
open up the screen and prop it open, reach around and sit the bags of water to the left of the door, back around and wheel over the stoop out onto the porch.
it takes 2 trips to give everyone a good drink, i enjoy the sweet smelling flowers, the herbs, peppers, tomatoes and watching the birds enjoy their food
they will come up close to me, i talk to them, yes, i’m the crazy lady up on the hill that burns sage and prays for trees! haha somebody has got to do it! smile
thanks for rolling along…time to go rattle some pots and pans in the kitchen…830pm and getting hungry! have a most wonderful day and soak up some sunshine! smile
but i must say, Thank you Creator for the raindrops you sent my way this afternoon…it was wonderful and very much appreciated! love one another! take care bye bye
Read Moreapril is spinning by
how fast can this old world turn?
april just got here and now it’s half gone.
more than half, actually, as it is 4/20
yes for those in the know, this buds for you! smile
funny i went for 20 years not knowing this fact.
the things you learn from your children! smile
hope you all have a GREAT day! SMILE
gonna go roll thru the garden and smell the flowers!
i am truly a happy woman! big big SMILE
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me, myself and i
i love life, i love my family, i love my friends
sometimes folks get too overbearing in my life
trying to control my thoughts, my actions, my days and nights
i do wear my heart on my sleeve, but that’s ok, it fits well there
but don’t try to control me, my thoughts, my desires, my way of life
i enjoy an encouraging word, but not to be talked down to because i speak the truth
if you want to enjoy a life with me, come be with me, and we’ll enjoy life together as one
if not, then keep your opinions of my thoughts and my actions to yourself, where they belong
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i have sprung forward, no wait! that was a clock!
time….it keeps marching on….i say slow down time, but no, not gonna happen…
i took off my watch when i turned 40…never to wear another one again…great decision!
i have one hanging on my wall, my clock sits still at 12:30, has not been plugged in for years…
it’s nice to be at a time in my life where i don’t have to run and jump for time anymore…
when i get hungry, i eat, when i get tired, i lay down…the sun comes up, the sun goes down…
i get to enjoy the night sky, the twinkling stars, planets, visiting with Grandmother moon…
what freedom that is! in one respect and knees keep me from freedom in another respect…
Read More60….going once, going twice……
i have a habit of telling folks the day before their birthday, this is the last day you’ll ever be ?? years old
well, today is that day for me…the last day in my whole life that i will ever be 60! smile
and today is a beautiful day in the smoky mountains of east TN…sunshine, blue skies, 65 degrees!
i was born in GA on my momma’s birthday, her name was Ollie. 03/07/27 and me at 03/07/55
my momma became an angel on 12/10/15…i miss her, but so happy she’s not suffering anymore.
“be happy, be happy, be happy”…she made sure we could understand those words our last visit…
all of her family had beat her to heaven, her daddy Ollie, her momma Eula, brothers Roy and Ralph and sister Modean
so now her childhood family is back complete…so many angels we know, so many angels we love…our hearts are full…
have a wonderful birthday, Momma! and know that i always love you madly! SMILE thanks for always sharing our day…
thanks for the love……….
Read MoreHappy Birthday Martha! 02.29.16 on this Leap Day 2016
Happy Leap Day to one and all…we get an extra day to love! SMILE
I must send a shout out to my sweet baby sister…her name was Martha.
Martha Ann Smith Al-zeer…she was married to Ibi…he was from Saudi Arabia.
They met as college students and fell in love…they were a GREAT couple.
Martha was 1 year younger than me…and she was born on a leap day!
The only leap-year baby I have ever known! Another pisces, oh lawdy!!
She would be 15 today! I’ve known and loved her since high school…
I loved her Mama, her crazy Daddy Ed and even little brother and big sister.
Many a time, I turned into their driveway to visit and pick her up to go ride around.
That’s pretty much what you did in Monroe, GA, was ride around and listen to music.
I got to know Martha more when she lived in her Condo just outside of Atlanta.
We’d visit each time we came from Missouri to Georgia, our children loved playing in her pool…
You could always tell her place as each step going up had pots of beautiful flowers blooming!
Her home was always like a jungle…inside and out, sometimes even a HUGE raft could be found!
We got the pleasure of listening to her neighbors practice music quite often, it was Collective Soul.
She told me they were kinda religious guys, but sure were pretty and their music was kick ass!!!
Come to think of it, Martha was the one that turned me onto ZZ Top too! Down at Lynn Peters’ dads BBQ joint.
Martha and I always seemed to live many states apart, her in Georgia and then in Arizona and Florida, too.
I was in Florida, Colorado and then Missouri too. She came to visit us the most on the Bado farm in MO.
Her and sometimes we even got to play with her Daddy, Ed. He was quite the character, full of jokes and tales.
And when 2 crazy guys robbed and stabbed her at her condo door, she came to stay with us about a month or so.
It gave her time to heal, we loved having her there, were so thankful that she was tall and the stabs didn’t end her life.
Yes, she was very tall and I was very short, our weights always alternated between thick and thin but that was fine.
We loved each other with all our hearts, she loved Darlin’ too and loved all my children…she loved being Aunt Martha.
We were also pen pals and wrote crazy letters and postcards from all over the world to each other, about once a month.
She was thrilled when her and Ibi took their trip to Greece and many more countries, I can’t recall them all…Great fun!
She was living in FL, Boynton Beach the last letter I got from her…She went to sleep on her couch and never woke up.
An new angel was born. Her ashes were placed near her Mama…so she could forever hold her in her loving arms…
Her older sister, Joyce, let us have a few things that were hers. I am sitting here looking at her sunshine and moon box.
Only the sunshine on the bottom shows the true colors, the top and sides have worn down with use for many years now.
Darlin’ joined Martha as an angel in 2003…I think she loved him almost as much as I did…we were very close, I’d be happy to share.
So sweet girl, enjoy your birthday today, CRANK UP the tunes in heaven, hey, you’ve got the good musicians, let them play on.
Happy 15th birthday…I mean lordy, even my granddaughter, Sarah is older than you now!!! SMILE…you age quite well, my dear.
Thanks for all the crazy memories, all the love, laughter, music, hugs and tears we shared together! Thanks for being my best friend!
February 27, 1978 and February 27, 2016
I never realized…until just now… it just hit me like a ton of lead…
I enjoyed 27 years with my dear Darlin’, 24 married, first 3 just for fun.
And we were married on February 27th… I had never realized…both 27
That date has been a day of bittersweet memories since Darlin’ passed in 2003
But now it comes to life again! February 27, 2016 will be a GREAT day in Georgia!
My dear friend Peachy’s daughter, Erin is marrying a wonderful guy named Colin…
Hang on, this gets even more freaky with numbers…
Colin was born on my birthday, March 7th…not sure of his year
And they will be married this Saturday, February 27th, the same day as Darlin’ and I
How fantastic!!! New love, new memories, makes me shake my head in wonder!
And it makes me SMILE….. with love…..Congrats you two! Love, Auntie C
Read MoreJoemas 2016
Happy Birthday in heaven, Darlin’ (01.22.55 – 01.16.03)
hard to believe it’s been 13 years since you became an angel
our family has grown, your children are wonderful adults now
sweet grandbabies from ages 5 – 15 bring us all joy and happiness
tacos and a chocolate pie for you, my love…thoughts to you above…
we had good times, we had bad times, we shared them all with lots of love
thanks for loving me and letting me love you…i will always cherish you in my heart
PS….i miss hearing your laughter…i miss your thoughts and ideas…i sure do miss you…smile
with love…from me, ray, jesse, robin and marty
to grampy with love from sarah, phoenix, alexander, ethan and quinn
Read Morejanuary is here
i must say it does not feel like january here in east TN this year! the trees are bare but so is the ground! where is the beautiful snow??
if you have any extra snow, please be kind and send it our way! and thanks! SMILE
Read Moremy momma ollie mae (ann) johnson witcher
my daughter robin and i got to have a wonderful visit with my momma yesterday.
the poor woman has been suffering more than anybody should ever have to do.
most visits she is either asleep or in a really bad mood, she’d tell you how is was quickly!
but yesterday was a blessing to us all…i had gotten her a new dress for christmas.
took this and she seemed to like it, she was awake the whole time we were there.
she tried speaking a few words but made sure these came out loud and clear…
over and over she kept saying for us “all to be happy”…her family that she loved…
her son tom, his wife linda and now sweet grandbaby cami too…my family, ray, dave, sarah and ethan
jesse and alexander, marty tate and robin, jason, phoenix and quinn…we all loved her very much.
no more suffering momma, becoming an angel at angel time…fly free sweet woman, many await you there in heaven…give ’em all hugs and kisses from us and tell all about the adventures since you’ve last seen them…all of your family are angels now, your daddy ollie, your mama eula, modean, roy, ralph and now ollie ann…(never mae) my heart is breaking but it is also soothed by the fact that you are healthy and free, laughing and enjoying being whole once again…i love you momma, with all my heart…now and always…know that you will always be GG and always will be remembered!!
03.07.27 – 12.10.15
Read Morelonghairs
i’ve been a longhair most of my life, all my adult life
when i was old enough to not HAVE to go the beauty parlor
that was my momma’s world, not mine by any means
my darlin’ was a longhair, i do love long hair on men
our 4 children were longhairs not by choice until they were 9
it’s truly amazing how much hair we shed each and every day
clinging to our hairbrushes, clogging up our bathtub drains
when we sweep the floor, we find hair here, there, everywhere
my question is, why are we not bald? how is this humanly possible??
Read More
black friday was more pink in east TN…
well, the sunset was more pink, it was absolutely amazing!!!
i kept my word and did not purchase one thing on black friday…
many of my gifts this year were created with love by friends…
poetry, music, art, native jewelry, all skilled with hands of dear ones to me…
i love hanging out with creative folks, the energy is fantastic!!!
and the finished product is unique, one of a kind, full of talent and delight…
i think that’s what i like the best, you can feel the joy when you hold it in your hand…
the power it took to form just this one, special thing…the euphoria of words, of great sounds…
the beauty of their hard work, their special talents, their ability to create things no one else has…
that is why the commercial stores and their black friday mean nothing to me…
i think the pretty pinks in the sky is what i love…SMILE
Read Moreindian summer
it is with tenderness in my heart that i must say goodbye to sweet indian summer…as the sun sets, the temperature is dropping…for the first time, i have turned on my heat…and as expected, the smoke alarm went off…waving an album to make the smoke alarm stop beeping….smile…the next 3 nights will be below freezing, then warming up for awhile…i have truly enjoyed these warm wonderful days in november! thank you, Creator…i sure have taken in your blessings…SMILE
Read Morefall is in the air
all the leaves are changing colors now, slowly falling one by one to the ground
the temperature has been amazing, still 60-70 in the day, 40-50 at night
all that will change soon…very, very soon….and as it should change!
it’s november…and i still have petunia’s blooming on my front porch
i’ve never seen this since i’ve lived in east TN, going on 6 years now
will need to bring in my plants that live inside during the wintertime
spider plants, cactus, mother in law’s tongue, and my mint this year
i’ve truly enjoyed thess wonderful, warm, indian summer days
i love all 4 seasons…it’s nice to see the world get to enjoy them too!
a toast to all that have their heat on already, i’m enjoying open windows!
not trying to tease, just sharing the warmth with all of you! BIG SMILE
Read Moreparkinson’s disease
i never knew much about parkinson’s disease until i fell in love with a man that has it. i’ve known him 4 years and i can sure tell the change in him.
not so much the shake of his hand, or the stoop in his walking, but in his mind, his memory, his reactions to ordinary things.
the anxious, the paranoia, the fear in his heart that this terrible disease is taking over his body, and it is. much more so this last month.
like he says, he’s aged 10 years in just a few short weeks…his stamina in doing the things he enjoys, golf, coffee with friends, writing.
he’s working daily to get his poems edited for 2 more books. he’s written and published 1 golf humor book and 2 poetry books already.
he’s a a wonderful poet, a wonderful man, the best in the whole wide world in my opinion…educated, humble, compassionate and an empath.
it breaks my heart to see him suffering in these ways…i thought we would be together in person, but i don’t think that’s gonna work out.
he needs his routines, his family, his friends near him. he needs the familiar that he can deal with on a daily and most importantly nightly basis.
if you know and love someone with this terrible disease, please be patient, yes the patience of Job, and listen, while you can, just listen…
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change of seasons….change of heart….
how quickly things change….reality settles in your mind….
you know, you knew for years, you never stood a chance….
why did you think otherwise? why did you let your heart dream?
why think that you could make anyone change their lives?
they have too much to lose, their life is more important than you….
my god, what would the neighbors think? the children? the friends?
lesson learned….it always has to be learned the hard way….
do not dare to dream of someone that belongs to another….
old habits win….possessions win….a house, a car, stuff wins….
you can’t create a new life with someone stuck in an old one….
don’t settle for “part of a life” – get to enjoy it all, or leave it be….
Read More
love is in the air
do you know how very much i love you??
do you know how much i enjoy you every day??
do you know how much happiness you bring to my life??
do you feel my heartbeat, keeping time with yours??
do you feel me sleeping snuggled up close with you??
do you feel my love surrounding you with sweet everythings??
i know you do know and i do know you feel it, too!
how truly wonderful it is…being in love with YOU…
thank you so much for making me…SMILE
Read Moregolden leaves a fallin’
in bed this morning watching the breeze gently shake the trees
tiny golden leaves would flutter, some in bunches, some alone
i love this time of year, gathering seeds for the spring ahead
cooler air, get to have the windows open, oh so very nice
i must say life is good on this hill in the smoky mtns of east TN
hope it’s doing just fine and dandy where you are, too! SMILE
Read Morebeautiful bouquet
i got a wonderful surprise the other day! a knock on my door and a beautiful bouquet of flowers was being delivered. red roses, yellow daisies, chrysanthemums in many colors, flowers i don’t know what they are! i tried to count them, but lost count at 80! yes, 80+ beautiful blooms… hahaha thank you, sweet poetry man for making my day! my week! they are very much appreciated and loved!! big big SMILE
Read Morefeels sooooooooooo good
do you know that it’s true…little things DO mean so much…things you take for granted…
it was TRULY wonderful today to drive to Douglas Lake, soak up rays of sunshine and check my mail…
and how very nice, it’s always nice to get a friendly letter… enjoying such a beautiful day here in east TN…
the mountains were so pretty and shiny blue, the breeze was cool, the sunshine was hot and right over me… such a big sigh, so much i am thankful for… so many blessings in my life…treasure each day, cherish each night… and fill your heart with all the love it will hold…it stretches…it stretches…ah yes…there is NEVER too much love! SMILE
Read Morejonzin’ for cyber world
364 comments in 2 weeks and not one, not ONE was from a real person.
i miss that…back in the day, 1980’s until now i have been computing at home.
my darlin’ loved programming, so we had many, many computers over the years.
our livelihood from home based businesses was generated online in many different ways.
for example, our JCAD, Joe and Cathy’s Antique Directory for mid – Missouri 200 mile radius
we had a guestbook asking what do you collect? i responded to each and every person that wrote to us.
it was so very wonderful to make new friends all around the world! it was amazing! FANTASTIC
we made it personal, all our jobs, we made personal…we enjoyed doing what we loved!
we worked hard, but it was always interesting, on the go, and the ride there was beautiful…
that’s where the back way was born… not interstate, the 2 lane roads of absolutely gorgeous countryside
then home to add our adventures and updates to the whole wide world online…24/7 it seemed
but i enjoyed REAL folks, not ads and robots and the only things i find in my guestbook these days…
times change…….end of rant…….delete and go on…….
Read Morei’m back………………
lordy, it’s been forever since i’ve written here….
hope you have a wonderful day! SMILE….
and know that i love you, madly!
Read MoreOctober days
my, my, time does fly…as i sit here typing and looking out the window, leaf after leaf after leaf are gently falling to the ground…several of the trees have beautiful yellow leaves now, all my green is changing day by day…it has been absolutely beautiful weather…i truly to enjoy having the ac/heat off and the windows open, i have windows on the north and south walls…i get a lovely breeze that blows thru…nothing better for you and your home than fresh air…on my hill, i am blessed with a good breeze most of the time…it comes roaring up my hill…in the summertime you say ahhhhhhhhhh and take a moment to enjoy it…in the wintertime you say buuuuuurrrrsss and go a little bit faster to the car or to the house! WONDERFUL EXCITING NEWS!!!! hahaha my sweet children are all planning to come to TN for Christmas…wow…that would be excellent! it’s been so long since we’ve all been together…and all those grandbabies have GROWN so very much!!!!!!!! i can’t wait to hug ’em tight!!!!!!!!! my heart is so full of love…sometimes it just amazes me…life can throw you a curveball now and then…i’m still trying to walk like a human again…without the aid of myrtle, my metal legs walker…it was a knee replacement…it shouldn’t change your life for the worse?? not the best?? so each day, i get after it…hope you are enjoying this wonderful fall…and if you get a chance, come visit the smoky mountains of east TN…the view is lovely! SMILE
Read Moregrandbabies galore
these last 2 weeks brought about 3 grandbabies birthdays! my oldest grandson, Alexander turned 8 on September 21st. My middle grandson, Ethan, turned 8 on September 28th…yep, exactly one week! i love these two boys immensely. Hard to believe that it’s been 8 years since they were born! with one and then on an airplane and away i went from FL FL land to MO. now i have more love in my life…and his granddaughter, Aspyn turned 11 the same day as Alex, September 21st. Cool they both share the same day and the same initial for their first names…between the two of us, we have 11 grandbabies or grands as they say…smile…i don’t think you can ever have too much love in your life, can you?? It’s almost October and with that first day brings an anniversary of my oldest child and her husband…been a long time since her daddy’s toast at their reception in the Elks lodge…”don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff”…sending love from TN to MO…i always find myself “coming home” to MO… one day, i too, will “come home to Wright County”…i’m not in a big hurry, i’ve got a lot of living to do yet…ya’ll have fun and be good to each other! i love you madly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read Moremy, how they’ve grown
time keeps moving on…just thinking of my children and how proud i am of them all…ray and dave, he’s baliff now for miller county courts, ray is the pharmacy lady at eldon drug…sarah is 14! yes 14 i said! ethan will be a year older in a couple of weeks…jesse and alexander…jesse is office manager for padgent communications out of tampa. alexander is a FL FL land native and will have his birthday soon! one week before ethan! they are both going to be 8…how did that happen?? robin and jason i see the most of here lately as i live in TN near them…robin’s photography and social media business is taking off like a rocket! jason is cooking up a storm! phoenix, fancy shawl dancer at the powwow, is learning trumpet (sounds great up by the barn, farther, farther! YES) and quinn, school boy at 4, can do anything that his big sister can do…he reminds me of marty keeping up with his big sisters! and my one and only son, marty tate, workaholic, wonderful sullens man he has grown into…my virgo with a heart of gold…all my children have good hearts, respect for themselves and others, great work ethics and are good parents to their children…what more could a mom/grandma ever ask for?? i love you all with all my heart, madly of course! SMILE
Read Moremarty tate
he was a miracle baby…not because he was my son, but because he’s alive and well…the story happened on september 11, 1988…baby day…my 4th and last child was fixing to be born…darlin’ and i were at the hospital, getting ready to get down to business…grandpa and grandma sue had just left taking ray, jesse and robin home with them…next time they saw us, we’d have a new family member…all was going just fine and dandy, the time was getting near, the contractions were very strong, then i felt a stab, a pull, an odd feeling that hurt deep inside me…i told darlin’ and he went to get a nurse…she examined me and when she stood up, red splotches were on her white uniform. my doctor had arrived at the hospital and she rushed out and came back in with him…i felt the bed getting all warm and wet…i assumed it was more water as i had no control over it…he checked me and when he stood up, his coat was bright red…the baby monitor machine beside me started going crazy…then it got quiet…my placenta had come loose and i was bleeding out, quickly…the doctor explained what he was going to have to do and he had less than 15 minutes to get it done, did we trust him? darlin’ told him of course he did, that’s why he was our doctor…he was gonna try to save us both, but time was of the essence and he was gone…i was rushed, bed and all to the operating room, not to enjoy the wonderful birthing room i was in…i was deflating like a balloon…it was getting scary, please save the baby…those were my last words and my last prayer as i counted back, 10, 9…and i knew no more…my one and only C section…how quickly the room and staff were assembled, how quickly they had me prepped and ready to go…how quickly it all happened…and a wonderful son was born, he took his first breath, he was ALIVE…i had lost 5 units of blood, no wonder i was deflating…the next couple of days were a blur of pain and morphine and seeing my child…darlin’ never left my side…he fed marty until i was able to…this was 1988 and all 5 of the units of blood had not been tested for aids yet…A+ i needed, so that was another 2 weeks to wait for results, but luckily, it was all good news…thank you Creator for blessing our family with a son to carry on the Sullens name, thank you for letting me live to watch him grow up and tomorrow, happy 26th birthday, sweet son of mine…i love you madly! your whole family loves you madly…and miracle baby was your name at the hospital in mansfield, MO where you were born…and a wonderful man you have grown into…i’m so proud of you and i know your daddy and now walter, too, are looking down from heaven and so proud of you too! Have a GREAT birthday! SMILE
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faster, faster, faster!
hello and goodbye august! for each day to be long, these months keep racing by…it’s been a busy month…have had lots of fun each evening…i do so love the wee hours of the morning…peachy came to visit and got to attend her first powwow at Cosby…she’s gonna love the one at Stone Mountain…the regalia alone is gonna blow her mind…much less watching competition dancing…how the different dances are “supposed to look”…it’s a unique ART for sure…it was so wonderful to see so many friends i had not seen in awhile…and yes lucy! i love the butterfly necklace! your talents are getting better each visit! SMILE i’m so proud of you! got to see phoenix dance “fancy shawl” for the first time…in her green shawl and now also a red one…funny story about the red one…robin had won a prize of a flute box, had Kokopelli designs on it. Phoenix was holding it when i told her Kokopelli was the god of fertility…she yanked that thing outta PJ’s hand so fast, OH MY~~ peachy and i both laughed quite awhile…when they came back later, PJ had a red shawl that had been traded for…been very warm, no, i can admit it, it’s been HOT…in the low 90’s is HOT to me…we are needing rain, so if you have any extra, please send it this way…my computer has been giving me fits of late…i’m a dinosaur, i had windows xp professional for many, many years…i didn’t give it up until Microsoft threw me away…hahaha now i’m waiting patiently for an IT man to install my new windows 8.1 and my thousands of pictures…then i’ll be a happy woman! it’s labor day weekend! hope you and yours are doing fine and dandy…hope the drinks are cold and the sun is shining on your shoulders…(but not too much, then head for the shade) i must tell you how much i have enjoyed eating from my organic garden this year…i’ve enjoyed tomatoes, green beans, cherry tomatoes, red and green lettuce, bell peppers (yellow and purple) and 2 kinds of hot peppers…i’ve had mint for my tea and herbs for my cooking, basil, rosemary, oregano, sweet marjoram and thyme…they will grow inside in my firepit when i have to move and remove all from my porch…i pissed off the owner when i refused to let them spray poison near my food, new guidelines now for living here, no gardens…i’ll just grow inside…so there! HA the end of august brought sadness, i lost a dear friend, walter thew, but darlin’ got his best friend back…i know too many angels…and i do so love them all…on earth as in heaven…have a good one! i love you, madly! SMILE
Read Moremy angel
a shout out for a happy birthday to my angel, MT
he turns 64 today… August 19, 2014…
he’s the best man in the whole wide world…
brother michael…SMILE
with love, from sista catherine
Read MoreJuly 31st….back in the day…1978
it was a mighty hot day…we lived in solo, MO…an older farmhouse with no air conditioner…had a fan in the window blowing the breeze…had two red velvet type couches in the livingroom…so comfortable, that was where i was stretched out when i felt a tiny little fingernail scratch me, odd, i thought, what was that feeling?? then the next thing i knew, i was standing in the bathtub as my water had broken…this was all new to me, as you were my first child…darlin’ and i got all excited as today was the day! he started timing my contractions, they were far apart…we rounded up the hospital bag, some tea in the cooler of ice and popsicles and off we went towards town…we were not in a big hurry, so i asked your daddy to stop at the creek, outside houston…baptist that time, it was a low water bridge, so we got out and your daddy helped me sit down on the bridge…i enjoyed having my feet in the cold, rushing water, enjoying the popsicle before it melted…enjoying the sun shining on us…what a beautiful day…your daddy kept his watch busy, timing those contractions…they were getting stronger and closer together…still, i’d rather be outside than stuck inside a hospital room, so we continued to enjoy the river, the wildlife, the love we had for each other, had music playing from the truck…we were so EXCITED…we were gonna have a baby! US, two crazy hippies, were gonna create a new life…the water felt so very good on my feet and legs, i could have stayed there forever…but then, oh my, the contractions were very strong and less than 10 minutes apart…guess it was time to head to the hospital now…arrived and was taken down to be examined and oh my! it won’t be long now…and they were right…it wasn’t very long…your daddy was beside me, holding my hand…well, i was crushing his hand! hahaha i had enough strength, i could have pulled mountains around, i do believe! hahaha PUSH, PUSH, PUSH and that was all she wrote…a beautiful baby girl came into this world…you let out a scream and took in your first breath of air…how wonderful, they placed you on my chest and i got to check you out…your daddy still holding my hand and then he was holding you…we were both in tears…how wonderful, you were here, you were perfect and we were so blessed…melinda ray sullens…within a couple of hours, i was up walking around, you were fine and dandy and we talked dr myers into letting us go on home now…but we had one stop to make before we headed to solo…we had to go to elk creek to show you off to the ‘ol man…we had you on a pillow in the seat between us…grandpa came out and said i thought you all were having a baby today? and then we showed him you…he grabbed you up gently and carried you into the house…what a wonderful day…what a wonderful child…what a wonderful life of pure love and now there was one more to love…thank you Ray…for all the love and teaching me how to be a momma! SMILE ***NOTE TO MY EDITOR, BETTY BOOP, LONG TIME MO FRIEND, THANKS FOR CORRECTING ME, IT WAS BAPTIST CAMP BRIDGE, NOT DOG’S BLUFF…I DIDN’T ROUND UP MY JOURNAL BEFORE I WROTE THIS, MUST HAVE BEEN THAT BABY DAY BUD THAT HAD ME ALL CONFUSED! HAHAHA LOVE YA, BB!***
Thought I’d better hurry and write a story for June, 2014, she’s coming to a close…
my goodness, where did this month go? it quickly passed on by…how can that be? as each day was so long!
we have had wonderful raindrops and unusually hot temperatures, right off the bat
so hot the clouds cry for us each afternoon, making it feel more like FL FL land than TN
for about 10 days straight, you could set your clock by the afternoon showers
around 5:00 pm, yep, the clouds rolled in, the skies rained and the earth was so happy
odd year for gardening, went from a day of spring into intense heat in the afternoons
but it should work excellent for the fall crops, everything is so tasty and delicious this year
the flavor of organic was well worth the drive and we got to make new friends, to boot! can’t beat that!
it’s almost angel time, that time has come to mean so very much to me these days, and especially these nights!
how nice it is to have love in my heart and to share that love, to feel the sweetness of conversation, of caring, of touch, of laughter and music and dancing…
had a bad scare with my Momma, got to visit with her all night, was so very happy when she woke up, ready for breakfast…wake up! wake up! yes, Momma!
still don’t know what to think of a family member…i try to be civil, but i can feel in my heart, besides music, the only thing we share in common, is our Momma
my very first grandbaby turned 14 this month…sweet sarah nicole…she’s my ray of sunshine…i gave her music, peace, colorful veggie and flower seeds and a rainbow in every color of Cherokee jewelry. i hope she always KNOWS that i love her madly!!!!!!!! she taught me how to be a grandma and she did a mighty fine job! SMILE
i have not been out and about much here lately, just tending to plants, visiting with friends, sharing goodness with neighbors, sharing my music with ALL!!!!!!!!
i have made a commitment, as real as virtual can be. i’m happy to have a beautiful ring of his devotion on my hand…my heart is so happy, i hope yours is, too!!!!!!!
Read Moremay has come and almost gone
another month has zoomed on by! let’s see if i can remember a few things about it…i always remember jesse’s birthday on may 3rd and even got her box of love and cherokee jewelry to her in fl fl land ON TIME! it’s been quite a while since i was on time! i remember she shared her birthday with aunt bonnie! so sending love to my favorite sullens auntie! her and aunt verde i was closest to. of course, grandma anna and i hit it off from the word go! robin and i took a ride NE to a wonderful, organic greenhouse…such nice folks, brought home a car load of baby plants! had mexican feast in morristown on the way home…spent many a day, cleaning pots and hanging baskets and planting plants, a few at a time…oh, how i cherish my hands in the dirt…pj found my other chains and bungees so about a dozen will be hanging, multi colors to shine…lots of herbs…then was gifted 4 grainger county tomato plants from brenda, my neighbor…phoenix and i planted them in the ground by the porch and she put up my little black fence sections so they hopefully won’t get mowed down…i split my cherry tomato plants i started from seed in the bedroom window with robin and i have a HUGE 2′ x 2′ pot full of tomatoes and i asked the master gardener lady for a big, slicing tomato for a tomato sandwich. i have it in the big pot that the gardenia had frozen in…it is twice as big as any of the others…have been to robin and jason’s home several times for bbq’s out in the back yard…it’s nice to see after surgery #2 that jason is getting some use out of his arm again…that would be a scary thing, especially as he’s a chef…and i must say! the best chef in east TN…i have special parking rights to the back! hahaha PJ made honor roll, math excellence and shared top grades in her class…quinn will start K at piedmont this year…he is such a wonder…he loves to help me garden, he’s so thoughtful of others and lordy, what a work ethic…takes after his momma…and g-bob, of course…he had worked with g-bob every day since he could walk on his own! g-b0b is his loving name for grandpa bob…i’m sure you figured that one out. grandma barbara and g-bob live up the hill. a couple of acres there, what a wonderful place to raise your family! i live in apartments about 15 minutes away. been here 4 years, have had a few disagreements with the owner, washing clothes, handicap parking, cutting my tree, i’m the crazy hippie lady on the hill…now i’ve gone and pissed off the owner because i refused to have them spray their roundup beside my garden…they tried once and i wrote an email to betty the property owner…i bet i’m the only one that emails instead of going down to the office! haha anyhow, wasn’t a week later, spraying all around the buildings, so they won’t have to weed eat i reckon…i got pissed…so glad i was home…the last straw…seriously house hunting…it’s been HOT as the dickens for may, high 80’s for many days…we need rain, not storms please, just rain…have a lot on my mind, virtual vs. real, love vs. lust…angels vs. devils…truth vs..lies…good vs. evil…lordy, it’s hard to be good! SMILE remember that love is what matters…true love…if you find some, hang on with both hands…sigh…and i hope it’s real…and in person…so enjoy each day and know that i love you! yes, YOU! i love you madly! cherish each moment that you are given together…as illness and life itself can change us…as quickly as a heartbeat…so get out, do stuff, keep moving and share a smile, share a laugh, always share your heart…be good to each other…share the love! SMILE
Read MoreVirtual Bliss
April 24, 2014
3:oo am or so
virtual wedding
got to say “i do”
to his “you betcha, i do”
and i really do!
a day in history
north meets south
east meets west
it’s all good! SMILE
Read Moremarch 7, 1927 – march 7, 1955 – march 7, 2014
what a most wonderful birthday…my doorbell rang, a big beautiful bouquet of flowers were delivered!
now i must say, that’s always a lovely thing to have happen! thanks my sweet FL family!
i also have boxes and packages at my front door when i opened it up for the day!
the most exquisite candle i have ever seen! one you never light…it’s big and purple with flowers inside and smells like hydrangeas…
that was from those sweet grandbabies and family in MO…and marty tate was sneaky, sneaky! so wonderful, but sneaky!
i can see lots of hanging baskets, huge bags of dirt and veggies a growing on my porch in my near future! THANKS
and robin and phoenix and quinn brought the most beautiful butterfly cake…it was delicious and almost all gone now…
presents! a wonderful necklace and bracelet and big box of wildflower seeds…and the GG happy birthday balloons! yippee
i got such wonderful gifts and they sang for me and pj and quinn helped me blow out my candles! Wonderful wish!!
cake in a container, presents and balloons rounded up and off to see GG we go…got to visit with her and feed her cake…
it’s always been fun to share my birthday with my momma…this year we shared love and cake and sweet grands and great grands! SMILE
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February 27, 1978
oh my goodness, i was scared…i was fixing to say “I DO”…we had our honeymoon first, stayed in springfield, MO on glenstone street…went to a concert at the university SMSU…saw Shooting Star and Missouri…an excellent show…a motel room, was so special even after being together so long “just for fun”…wow 3 years…living in Colorado and Missouri…what’s the term, love child?? and she has been loved forever…1978 was a good year, i became a Sullens and a momma…notice it’s not the word sullen, it has an s on either end…much different! haha and those were my 2 favorite things! we were the 2 crazy hippies out in the woods, loving life, loving our families, loving our friends…trying to tend to this sweet earth and make a living to take care of our babies…we had a lot of fun, played a kick ass stereo, there was always music and had friends that played all over the usa, so it was fun to “be with the band” SMILE…darlin’ had the best laugh ever! him, uncle jerry, marty, you can hear them laugh 1/2 mile away! well, that might be a little far, but you hear it and can’t help but smile and laugh because it makes you feel so very, very good…my momma asked me once, why does joe laugh all the time? i said ’cause he’s a happy man! He was a kept man and i was a kept woman…we were blessed with a blonde, a redhead and a brunette, 3 girls and our son marty, amazing how much sullens resemblance…our children have good hearts, take care of themselves and their families and are mighty sweet to me…i love it, they don’t kiss ass nor believe everything they read…i love they ask why?? and now i am blessed with sweet grandbabies, too! from 2 crazy hippies moving to be “back to landers”…back in the day…we worked our butts off, each and everyone of us and it was FANTASTIC…i’m so glad we got the chance to spend so much time together…pretty much 24/7…we tried many things to make a living, always wanting to work together, that worked best for us, instead of town jobs…spawn run farm, organic veggies, aquaculture, raising cows, pigs, tilapia fishes, gardens, cutting firewood, shiitake mushrooms, then computer work, repairs, programming, we tried it all…even worked for the lottery, servicing their pull tab machines…pay one, get 2, they loved it…Miss Helper! errands and deliveries, COMPOST, H.B.B.D. (Home based business directory) JCAD (joe and cathy’s antique directory) it would keep you busy with 4 children, 3 meals a day, snack, clothes, dishes, tending the woodstove or tending the gardens in the summertime…it took all of us to keep things running smoothly and 6 folks create lots of chores! we had the best of food, the best of water, clean air, we were so very blessed…what a wonderful way to raise your family…we always took off for the desert for our anniversary, joe’s cousin julie and her son travis would move in to tend to things while we were gone…4 corners, mesa verde, las vegas, always paying our respect at the grand canyon…sometimes zion…depended on how well we did at vegas…so thank you darlin’, i had a really good time i’d say 90% of our 27 years together was GREAT fun…and those times are near and dear to my heart…and thanks for sending me an angel…you did good…well, you ALWAYS did good, so that’s nothing new…just much appreciated…thanks for teaching me how to love, how to trust men, how to enjoy being me…thanks for bringing out the best in me…I DO, I DID and i loved it, madly! with all my heart, cathy
Read MoreWeather for 2014 by first 12 days of the year!
January 2014…sunshine 40 degrees
February…rain 36, snow tonight
March…sunshine 26, windy
April…sunshine 38, calm winds
May…sunshine 50, then temps drop
June…cold, snow, windy, 17 degrees
July…cold, 11, down to 0
August…cloudy, 32
September…sunshine, 40
October…cloudy, 50’s
November…rain, 54
December…sunshine 55
so there you have it! from the smoky mtns of east TN…
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cat’s box of love
in MO, darlin’ was an ELK and we were very active…in FL, i was an ELK and very active…here in TN, i never found my ELK home…all the lodges are farther than i want to drive with a drink in me, and how can you not have a couple of rum n cokes? so instead, i started giving from me directly…i started making “cat’s box of love” in a small USPS priority box, i can fit a baker’s dozen chocolate chip cookies…this is my 3rd year of boxes of love, the post office folks in jefferson city and dandridge love to see me coming as they get a baggie of cookies too…the only trouble i’ve had in 3 years was the box to sitka, alaska…sorry tommy…i think it took the slow boat to china…i send them to folks to let them know that i’m thinking of them, i send them as get well soon, i miss you, have a GREAT day, kinda thing…i’m PROUD to say, in 2014, my cookies are healthier with real butter now, as “everything is NOT better with blue bonnet on it”…marketing that had me hooked for 20 years! and now i’m using bigger, dark chocolate chips…always only brown sugar and the main thing is, when i’m baking them, the tunes playing and the thoughts of love are for the person i’m baking for…so when they open their box to their baggies of 6 and 7 cookies, they will TASTE the love in each bite…i’ve lost track of all the folks sent to, some multiple times over the years…but if you haven’t had one yet, there is always more baking in my future! with love SMILE
i must update this story…boo never got his last box of love…on the post office tracking page, it made it to spokane on time, it never made it to his p. o. box…WA legalized a couple of months before his mail…lordy, the middle of the night guy had the munchies! hahahahaha and don’t believe a word of it, your box might “say” it’s insured, file a claim and wait for nothing…so i hope he had milk while he ate boo’s cookies…can i also say, i hope he got choked up a little bit? a “cat’s box of love” bit the dust…
*spokane news flash* 7 months after the fact, boo’s box of love appeared in his post office box…he said they were mighty HARD but no fur….hahahaha
“thru rain, snow, sleet and hail, winter, spring and summer…… went around the world, but it DID get delivered”…SMILE
Read Moreangels today
i’ve got angels playing with me…
earlier today, i was checking my list, names and addresses for my christmas cards and i kept seeing someone out of the corner of my eye…standing to the left of me, even leaning over to see the list…this went on for about a half hour…stronger and stronger, finally i just said out loud, well hello there, you know i can see you…and no longer…just sat back down at the keyboard from being in the kitchen, my list here at my desk, it’s 4-5 pages typing paper, a paperclip at the top…i was glancing up at the monitor and the paper moved…the bottom half lifted up and settled back down, not once, but twice…a few minutes apart…are the angels getting better at showing or am i getting better at seeing? whichever the case may be, it sure makes me a happy woman! i do so feel the love!! thank you, sweet angels…big SMILE
Read Morethe web of life
my computer was down today while marty worked on it with “log me in”, so i was writing stories by hand.
proud to say i have me a new neighbor…no more bird feeder out back, and very seldom does mr squirrel come back to visit…this morning, my empty shepherds hook has a beautiful web glistening in in the sunshine…so welcome…i’m sure i’ll get hours of enjoyment from your lovely home…here i sit inside on the world wide web and here you sit outside on your web…small world, isn’t it? SMILE
Read Morepaint my picture
i am at a time in my life, like none before that i have ever experienced.
as a child, i had to mind, time to eat, time to sleep, had to mind your momma.
as a teenager, time for school, time for friends, dates, concerts, be on time.
as a wife and mother, time for work, time for food, time for play, time for sleep
watching that clock, appointments, meal time, now it’s time to rise and shine!
but now, i guess this is what they mean by Indian time…my clock unplugged
i eat when i’m hungry, i sleep when i’m tired…daytime comes and goes
i see much more of the heavens at night, the stars are absolutely beautiful
i catch myself doing my knee exercises in the middle of the night, in moonlight
and fixing my breakfast sometimes at 3am…no one can keep up with my hours
as i do not keep up with them either, i am finally letting my internal clock run
you’ll find me tending to plants at midnight and sleeping in the afternoon
i must say, i really am enjoying “no time”…it’s perfect…i’m always “on time” SMILE
Read Moreoctober days
i love rainy days…with my windows open, i get to listen to the birds every morning…i love they serenade me to wake up! this morning when i woke up, seemed like daylight would never arrive…a cloudy cool day…raining off and on all day long…not storms, just soft, steady rain…the wind was hardly blowing this morning and the rain sometimes looked like fine snow…but it way too warm for that, just wishful thinking…now hours later, the winds have picked up, blowing from the west and my backyard is a mirage of falling, colorful leaves…ok, ok, i’ve been ms sneezy this morning! maybe i should put something on my feet now and then, don’t wanna be all stopped up! hahaha the birds are loving the feeder out front…my cardinals visit me often, finches, sparrows…wonder what the robins will do this year? they always ate the berries on the tree out front…they all show up at once, i bet 50 robins, eating and flying and enjoying…and usually the next day, we’d get a snowstorm…SMILE…i’ll have to watch for the same trees across the street…so far, they are still standing…yes, yes, i miss my tree…enjoy these cool days, the Smoky Mtn Park is back open for fall leaf viewing, take a ride out thru the countryside………SMILE
Read Moredon’t you just love fall???
oh it’s so wonderful…windows open, cool breeze blowing thru my home. the first leaves are turning and gently falling, the black walnuts lead the way! time for people and animals to start tending to things for the winter to come. filling our freezers with goodness from the garden, excess that will taste wonderful later, as the snow flies! woodpiles to replenish, stocking up on this and that. looks like friends will be getting their first snowfall these next few days! WOW…i understand though, when we lived in missouri, sometimes you’d go from the air conditioner to the warmth of the woodstove…but for now, i’m happy with bluejeans and bare feet inside, slip on my little black slippers to tend to the plants and birds on the porch…last night i went outside barefoot and pulled the slice of tree over in front of my chair…she made a wonderful, warm footstool…
enjoy life, the days seem long sometimes, but the months fly by…have kindness to all, share the love that is in your heart…SMILE let music soothe your soul and when you get a chance: dance, baby dance!
Read Moreonline etiquette
i must say, i’m about tired of it all…i’ve been writing/blogging most of my adult life. online since the 80’s…i have journal after journal after journal of the stories of our lives…my thoughts, babies, living life…and then we started making web pages, darlin’ would create the pages, i’d tend to the guestbook. it was a wonderful way to meet folks from all over the world…to this day, i still treasure many virtual friendships. but in the 30 years (lordy!) i’ve been computing, manners have taken a serious downhill slide. now the bots submit, causing crap while their owners sleep…how can you sleep, spamming everyone?
i just deleted 275 comments from this page alone…not a one; a greeting, a friendly message, something real…what a shame, that our online world has become so cold…here i remember the excitement of that first contact…
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love, oh love
have you ever met someone, either in person or virtually that you hit it off with immediately? a year down the road, now, you see them daily… someone that makes you laugh, makes you think about things you haven’t thought about in years, someone that loves to dance in the moonlight…how wonderful…how glorious it makes you feel…music, romance, poetry, feasting, walks along the water, a soft caress…long, deep kisses that you melt and just float away, both into one…mmmmmm is it “love, oh love”?? my heart says yes…how easy it would be…if it could be…as it should be…so who knows?? some day it may be…SMILE
Read Morethe end of summer 2013
wow, it’s been 6 months since i have written here…i’ve written tons of things, they have been scattered out across the world…well, i did it…i had a knee replacement…i’ve done therapy, i’ve worked with it every day and i have to say…every day is like it’s still brand new…”you get out of it, what you put into it”. these are not the words i assumed i’d be talking this far down the road. months on a walker and tore a muscle in my right shoulder…i’m hell on my right side… my momma always told me if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all…so pretty much for these 6 months, i’ve said nothing at all…BUT, the weather has been beautiful, we’ve had more rain than i’ve ever seen here in east TN…gardens have done spectacular this year. flowers, my impatients have been extra special and many colors and i’ve enjoyed a wonderful smelling gardenia too…i hope you and yours have been blessed, i sure have…my sweet family and friends that i love have kept me afloat, kept me alive, kept my heart full of love and my body virtually dancing…daughter robin has been truly wonderful…and i’m so happy to say that my mars hill momma is now a TN woman, too! yippee! i look forward to healing and spending time with my momma…gonna have to make her a french coconut pie…after all, it’s her recipe! be good to each other, love each other and peace out……
Read MoreThe Joint Academy
by clicking on the link above, you will be directed to my facebook page that i am blogging on for my total replacement knee…it’s all new to me, so we can learn together! hope you come visit me while i’m in the hospital, no not in person, but online! love and good thoughts…SMILE
Read Morethe dancing knee
3 days and counting…then i will go to morristown, tn…get my knee drawn on and then off to la la land…Creator be with me…wake up and get busy…
a total knee replacement…gotta keep it moving so i don’t turn into the tin man…sounds like i’m gonna have a good team working on me…
everyone i met had good colors…experience, compassion and knew their stuff…i liked ’em all…took a few pictures…will take many more…
gonna blog my new knee…asked for the 2013 dancing model, please…and thank you…i put this off longer than i should have…
pain has brought me here…UNCLE…i’m calling UNCLE…you win…but all will be well…modern technology is a wonderful thing…
so much love and prayers and good wishes and good energy from all over the world my way, how can it not?? i love all of you…
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ice age 01-25-13
the weatherman in morristown is getting pretty good…they called it last week, they called it this week…but so did the robins i had in my front yard yesterday, eating fruits like crazy from my ornamental pear tree. they fortold the last storm, right along with the weatherman, wonder if they know each other?? smile
woke up to a gray world…the ground covered with a think glaze…my toyota covered with many icicles… as the day wore on, the fog would come and go, my trees behind my house would disappear in the brightness…when i sat for supper, watching the pear tree branches get thicker and the sway of the majestic pines, branches low to the ground. you could see the mist falling with the dark green pine needles behind it…was magical, quiet, cold, wonderful, enchanting…
the ice/fog/mist adding up as the day wore on…only 1 vehicle out and about all day long…that i heard or saw…was out on the front porch shooting pictures and heard a truck coming ’round the bend down below…salt truck…turned beside the office…that road is a county road…mine is not…reckon the property management doesn’t pay, as we get no salt…roads or sidewalks…i shot a picture of the truck…but then again, ice is not something you can do a lot for. the weather is warming up to 60 by monday, mother nature will tend to it…naturally…smile
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the changes i want in life
was just reading my horoscope for today and it was talking of the changes i want in life…i want to dance! i want to walk without a cane…i want to chase my grandbabies up the hill…fly a kite…dance in the sacred circle…yes, right now, that would be truly wonderful…what changes do you want to make in life?? a change in location? a change in job? a change in your heart for someone you love?
and how in the world can cupid shoot folks…turning friendship into love…exciting adventures to hope and dream for…how wonderful this old world is…how blessed we are to be able to enjoy our feelings and thoughts with so many! all over the world!! i hope you have what you need, i hope you get a taste of what you want, i hope your heart is always full of love…SMILE
Read Moresnowflakes, snowflakes, snowflakes!
the first snow of the year is always exciting! i had the honor of being out and about with robin and phoenix when the snow started coming down…after a few minutes in morristown, tn, the snow was adding up in a hurry! about 4″ and still coming down! the flakes big and soft and beautiful as dogwood petals…the toyota did GREAT in “granny gear” pulling hills that trucks and cars were stalled on the sides of the road…we tooled right along…took hours to go just a few miles…but we made it! had the most fun trying to climb the last of my hill here…stalled and slid…back it up, in granny gear and give it hell! all the way to the floor! it was spinning for a minute, then grabbed hold and climbed on up! we were all yelling and screaming and enjoying ourselves immensely. they are back in their van and headed home…the snow plow cleared their way…all is well in this winter wonderland…thank you Creator for such a lovely day……….SMILE
Read Morein the year 20-13
if man is still alive….what was the song, in the year 2525…for now, we’re still here… barely…but hope is brewing across this world.
hope that we can all be brothers and sisters and again, take back to tending mother earth, we are Idle No More.
january in east tn has been wet, foggy, cloudy and rain, rain and more rain.
the trees are so very happy, we have had freaky 70 degree weather…my hyacinth bulbs are coming up!
i see big blobs of blue snowstorm on the radar, but here on my hill, the temperature is hovering just warm enough for rain.
if these many inches of water were snowflakes…i’d be up to my eyeballs in snow…so i enjoy snow in pictures from friends.
the northwest is beautiful, white and bitter cold…the southeast is warm, wet, rivers reaching flood stage…in january…
first 12 days of the year…the weather for that month…here’s what i recorded for this hillside in east TN…
jan – rain, fog, mid 40’s
feb – gray day, calm wind 39
mar – sunshine, 30’s
apr – sun, then clouds 40
may – sunshine, beautiful day, calm winds, 40’s
jun – cloudy, breezy, 50’s
jul – sunshine, mid 50’s
aug – sunshine, 50’s
sept – rain all day long 50’s
oct – mostly cloudy 60’s
nov – rain, clouds then sun 60’s
dec – cloudy, warm 65
Look out farmer’s almanac! here come sullens’ tales! SMILE
christmas eve night
jason, robin, phoenix and quinn…came with arms full of presents…supper and dessert…we got to open a few, they got to open theirs…like robin said, that’s a first! wow! i reckon it is…and thanks marty, jesse and alexander! i love the dishes! already washed and ready to use! smile…a fantastic cedar bird feeder and a bag of seed! chocolate covered cherries for me too from G-Bob and Grandma Barbara! thanks! my shephards hook will stay busy now in the wintertime, too! hahaha listening to rock n roll Christmas carols…had a good visit with peachy on the phone earlier…such a nice night, cold but stayed warm when i danced a song or two…Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight! thank you so much for making me a happy woman! much love! SMILE
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