
i hope you never have to experience chronic pain.

i had a knee replacement on my right knee in 2012.

even after months of therapy, it never felt right.

i walked in with a cane, came home with a walker.

after x-rays showed my knee cap down my leg, i planned another operation.

different doctor, different hospital, 2nd knee replacement in my right knee 2014.

same old story, months of therapy, never feeling right, pain constantly.

here it is 2017, i have gone from my walker to a wheelchair.

the knee and leg are still sore to the touch, will this ever end?

due to lack of activity, a blood clot formed behind my fake knee.

8-10″ long, now on blood thinner medicine to help this disappear.

the pain is still there, my doctor was audited, my meds cut in half.

i think of him every day when it gets to hurting more than i can stand.

i wish for one day, he could be in my shoes, feel what i feel, try to understand.

i try my best to stay positive, my garden, music,  flowers and fish keep me somewhat sane.

enough moaning and groaning, off to the kitchen to rattle some pots and pans.

i wish for you health, happiness and love…and of course, lots of blues music! SMILE

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the day after

this photo is my dear friend in missouri, dawn box! she gets to celebrate her birthday today, the day after…

i pondered on this for weeks…what do you get your son that has everything??? 

but then Mother Nature took care of that thought for me….

she sent him a HUGE, most powerful EVER hurricane named Irma….

so all night long, Sunday September 10th, my ice tea and I kept watch…

going from radar to radar, typing away to children that were there, watching from inside…

it was a mighty long night, but thank you, Creator…they are all safe and sound…

marty’s birthday rolled in after midnight and for several hours IRMA howled and stormed…

happy happy birthday, marty tate! so happy you made it thru, that everyone is fine and dandy…

their homes are still intact, Jesse has no electric yet, but Marty and office do…so that’s ok…

other friends up and down FL FL land are checking in online as they can…lots of power outages….

but they are OK! that’s the important part…my sweet daughter, grandson, son and many friends….

we even got a little taste of Irma, had rains and strong winds yesterday, last night the wind chimes were singing… 

blew the screen out of my living room window, it had popped loose a few days ago, it’s not bent, just in the floor…

the “day after” is another birthday, my dear Soul Sista, Dawn Box in Elk Creek MO…i do so love you girl…have fun!!!

check on your family, check on your neighbors, check on your friends…keep the love flowing…we all need a HUG! smile



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Hurricane Irma

I admit it, I’m scared. Have had nightmares for days, even when I’m awake.

Don’t know why this particular storm has me and daughter Robin so shook up.

My son Marty, my daughter Jesse and grandson Alexander live in Clearwater, FL.

I am very concerned about their safely with this powerful  hurricane.

They have hem and hawed enough to have waited too long to evacuate.

I’m not sure they are taking this as seriously as I think it should be taken.

But I’m here and they are there and both children are adults with minds of their own.

I know they do not intend to be caught “unaware” and have prepared for this event.

The weathermen are so shifty in where the hurricane will go, what it will do.

The are weathermen for Christ’s sake, their entire world is made up of models and guesses.

I wish safety to all those that will be involved in this storm. Take care of each other.

I look forward to having my children tell me ” I told you so”…and that will be just fine.

Those will be the sweetest words any Momma can hear…Creator and angels, please be with them….

I do so, love them madly…………………..

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september birthdays and more!!!!

yep, it’s september…windows open, cool breeze blowing thru the house.

i love that, it will warm up again, but for now, it’s perfect weather for me!

hope all of you have a safe, happy and restful Labor Day weekend! smile

have several birthdays coming up this month, Marty is Sept 11th

my dear MO friend Dawn Box is celebrating on Sept 12th.

next is my oldest grandson Alexander and a week later, my grandson Ethan!

this year it’s getting harder and harder to find that perfect gift for them all…..

i with good health and lots of love to them all, now back to shopping! SMILE


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