yesterday 02.21.17
what a most unusual day it was yesterday….
watched a squirrel dig up his stash, sit and enjoy eating it….
it was 70 degrees here in the smoky mtns of east TN….
was out on the porch playing in the dirt, felt so mighty fine….
dug thru my seed box (pretty skimpy) and found sugar snap peas….
had my biggest pot dug up and cleaned and ready to get to planting….
i now have 3 rows of peas planted on my front porch, waiting on 10 onion sets for the edges….
slept with my bedroom window wide open….only got down to 54 degrees during the night….
going to see if the raindrops made it across the porch or not….ya’ll be good, laugh and have some fun….
and if you need some soothing of your soul, joy to your very being….go play in the dirt….pure bliss it is….SMILE