
a friend of a friend, never met either in person, but surely enjoy their friendship. both are writers, words flow thru their fingertips like a river rushing by. they inspire me greatly! i’ve been writing like a crazy woman…here, there and everywhere…i can’t write fast enough, the words are pouring thru me. trying to learn to write in rhyme…i had gotten lazy in my words…keeping the online dictionary HOT, i love to learn…smile…the world is full of wonderful folks that love to write down their inner most feelings…some you agree with, some you don’t. but you have to admire their skill, their style…when you are touched by their words, you have to tell them, don’t you? life is full of adventures, adventures are full of words, words can capture your heart, words can bring a tear to your eye. i reckon it all depends on the telling…i sure enjoy the reading…it makes me a happy woman…big SMILE

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